Thursday, June 28, 2007

A trip dowm memory lane

This is me hanging out with Melissa

Me teaching Derek and Chad how to play Candy Land

Carving pumpkins with my sisters

Me, Mackayla and the Cheif on BYU campus


Heather said...

What is up with the hairdo in the pic with the pumpkins?

Danielle and Derek said...

Spencer thinks the picture of "Daddy eating the Candyland card" is pretty funny.

Jared and Melissa said...

That was a fun trip down memory lane. Whose hairdo are you referring to Heather? All three of us have cool hair in that picture.

Heather said...

I was referring to my hairdo. It looked awful.

April said...

I don't think any of us should repeat what was going on with our hair back then!

Heather said...

why not April? Your hair was so beautiful all permed up and all.