Thursday, November 20, 2008

Halloween Time!

Sorry this is late but here are some pictures for my blog!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008


I have to teach Relief Society this next Sunday. Does anyone have any tips they can give me? Tips can be on how to teach or inputs to do with the lesson which is "Stand Fast through the Storms of Life." I haven't taught a lesson is such a long time, I forgot how to teach. Is it okay to just read the lesson? HELP!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hey, What's up Dog!!!!

I will be giving the best Christmas Presents ever this year!! Oh, Derek and Danielle, what do you and your family want for Christmas? I started work again this year. In the first three days, tow kids got hurt! I guess we need to stop beating up the kids. Just joking. Kids will be kids. Anyway, no one will top the Christmas gift for Mom. Isn't that right, Melissa? Well that is all for right now. Thank you for your time and effort. You are a great audience!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Family Time!

I sure had a TON of fun while you guys were here!
Here are some pictures in no particular order.